Celebrating Amatsiko
October 5, 2024
Jennifer working with two Amatsiko students
Reflections on Amatsiko’s 10th Anniversary by Jennifer Jane, supporter
As a volunteer and sponsor, I felt I needed to come to the 10th Anniversary to see just how far the school had come on its first ten years. To see the impact the volunteers and sponsors have made.
I didn't expect to be given a beautiful shirt, the same as all the teachers or be given a seat of honour to watch the event unfold. We are truly appreciated and our support is so vital to the continuation of Amatsiko. I certainly will never forget today.
The honour and respect they gave to me/us was truly remarkable, let us honour them also. The playground had been transformed with marquees gleaming white in the sunshine, the seating was in place for children, guardians and VIPs. The grand cake was on a table in the centre of the playground, the bunting and balloons were in situ, the DJ was blasting out the tunes, the master of ceremonies was working his audience, the photographers seemed to be everywhere, the expectation was growing. It was time for the celebrations to begin!
The celebrations started with the National Anthem, the school anthem and prayers, followed by every class taking it in turns to sing and dance. The older children put on a play. Teachers sung and danced. The head girl gave a beautiful moving speech as well as the ex head boy. It was such a credit to the school to see many ex pupils attend. Many speeches were made with passion and sincerity. The cake was cut ceremoniously and shared with all.
With the sun shinning down on us we went and ate and mingled. I had a chance to chat with the ex- pupils, they expressed their gratitude to the amazing chances they had been offered by Amatsiko and it was clear to see they had developed into strong, capable, articulate young adults that will make a positive impact on the world.
The 10th Anniversary was a roaring success thanks especially to Alex and Alphonse, without their foresight none of this would have happened. No school, no children, and certainly no 10th Anniversary. They truly are remarkable, they never stop looking for answers about how to improve the school and the lives of the children and raise funds to give the best education and well being, to all those little stars so they can shine bright in the future.
So let us volunteers and sponsors work just as hard in coming up with ingenious ways to support the beautiful school Amatsiko.
Hope to see you all in 10 years time.